When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable....Clifton Fadiman

A foreign land where people speak different language, spend unusual currency, follows distinct culture is always exciting to explore .There is so much to see, so much to travel around and so much to anticipate. It's like searching and pondering within your own identity. But your dream may get halted if you do no plan it properly.
So here are some travel essentials for you :
Document you should never forget.
Learn how to pack luggage post 9/11.
Health Tips.
Map or Guidebook of the country where you are travelling.
Essential electronic items
When you are travelling with kids
Last but not the least

1. Documents you should never forget.

Passport and Visa Papers
Airline Tickets
Credit and Debit Cards to be used while travelling
Xerox Copies of credit card information, Travelers Check information, copies of passports.
Cash in foreign currency
Insurance Papers
Travel Documents
Contact List

2. Learn how to pack luggage post 9/11

Due to increased airport security, many new luggage screening procedures for checked baggage have been put in place.
We've included some of the best packing strategies below to help make your next trip as problem-free as possible.
Have some visible contact information INSIDE each suitcase.
Keep all checked bags unlocked; if your bag is selected for random screening, airport personnel may have to break the locks to get inside. Skip the locks to avoid any damage to your luggage and instead use plastic cable ties.
Do not over-pack your bag.
Use zip lock plastic bags for any items that could leak or possibly break in transit.
Baggage Checklist
Clothes : Boots .shirts .Dresses .Jumper, sweater or fleece .Long or thermal underwear .Pants or trousers .Sandals, shoes ,Sneakers ,Socks ,Suits
Clothes Accessories :A good hat .Cotton handkerchief or tissues .Gloves or mittens .Jewelry .Raincoat or poncho .Safety pins .Scarf .Sewing kit .Sunglasses .Ski glasses .Ties.

3. Health Tips :

Insurance With the rising costs of hospital and medical services, today's traveler should think twice before departing on a vacation or business travel trip without having purchased travel health insurance. With the high cost of a medical emergency you will want to be sure to have travel medical insurance that provides comprehensive coverage and benefits. Without travel medical insurance, the cost of emergency medical care, prescription drugs or hospital care can be overwhelming. First Aid Kit • Band aids • Compression bandages • Diarrhea tablets • Gazes • Insect and/or mosquito repellent • Iodine/hydrogen peroxide • Medicines/prescription Drugs (Member's tip) • Motion sickness tablets • Paracetamol, Tylenol etc • Replacement/rehydration salts sachets • Small scissors • Vitamin pills

4. Map or Guidebook of the country where you are travelling :

Know the place where you are travelling. Always take the map or guide book of the country where you are travelling. It is absolutely recommended.

5. Essential Electronic Item :

Mobile charger
Spare Mobile phone or SIM card
Cell Phone with National and International Calling Card
Travel Alarm Clock
Travel Light/torch

6. When you are travelling with kids..

Activities Books, • magazines, and comics • Small Games, • Sketchbook, and colored pencils, • Scissor-less craft supplies, • Portable DVD player and DVDs; don't forget headphones!, • Books on tape for the whole family, such as the Harry Potter series or "The Chronicles of Narnia"
Food • Individually packaged, crumb-free snacks , • Hard-to-bruise fruits such as apples and berries , • Reusable bottles filled with water
Miscellaneous • First-aid items, such as Neosporin, bandages, anti-bacterial wipes, Tylenol, sunscreen, and Dramamine, • Garbage bags to collect trash, • Extra diapers and wipes, if necessary, • Change of clothes, in case of accidental spills, • A blanket for spur-of-the-moment

7. Last but not the least

The most important travel essential for you will be We guide you, help you when in need, provide you the comfort and hassle free journey. We assure you that your journey with us will be an experience by itself.